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Salmon 7,5kg - Katz Menu

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Product Details

Salmon 7,5kg - Katz Menu

La peau et le pelage de votre chat reflètent bien son état de santé et de sa vitalité. Ils forment la première barrière contre les influences extérieures.

Katz Menu Salmon contient tous les nutriments nécessaires pour une peau saine et un pelage brillant. Par ailleurs, ces aliments contiennent un mélange d’antioxydants naturels garantissant une immunité optimale.
Les croquettes avec le goût de saumon ne contient pas de gluten, contribue à l’amélioration de l’hygiène bucco-dentaire, à l’équilibre de la flore intestinale et à un bon transit.

Apport nutritionnel recommandé pour l'âge du chat :

2-3 kg = 20-35 gr 3-5 kg = 35-55 gr >5 kg = 55-85 gr


Farine de saumon, riz, farine de viande de volaille, fécule, graisse de volaille raffinée, pois, pulpe de betteraves, foie de volaille hydrolysé, protéines de riz, cellulose raffiné, farine de krill Antarctique, chlorure de sodium, levure, huile de poisson raffinée, extrait de levure, mannane-oligosaccharides, fructo-oligosaccharides, extraits de plantes (Rosemarinus sp., Vitis sp., Curcuma sp, Citrus sp., Eugenia sp.)


Protéines 32%, teneur en matières grasses 18%, matières minérales 8%, cellulose brute 2%, calcium 1,45%, phosphore 1,1%, sodium 0,7%, magnesium 0,1%, taurine 3,5 g.
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Salmon 7,5kg - Katz Menu

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-> Product marked with the label "Shipping within 24 / 48h": Means that the product is in stock and can be shipped to you within 24 / 48h after receipt of your payment.

-> Product marked available but without the label "Shipping within 24 / 48h": Means that the article is available from our supplier and therefore it is in pre-order.

The deadlines are from 4 days to 3 weeks, beyond 3 weeks, your order is refunded.

We order once a week from our suppliers to be delivered within 7 days,
We do this to guarantee you products with the longest validity dates for sensitive products such as complementary products for pigeons or birds.
Also, in this way, we can guarantee you the best prices on the French market because of less loss, no stock costs and therefore less charge.
So everyone is a winner.

The price of the pigeons does not include delivery costs.

For the delivery of pigeons (towards the France & Belgium ), Please contact us using the form CONTACT indicating the place of delivery.

Due to COVID-19 measures, deliveries may be delayed. Please take a few extra days into account

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